Boring, repetitive, and totally plain.

I loved the movie and I love the tarantino style but this game... pure S H I T


what and you were expecting a great game? lol this is why i dont waste money buying these games full price.


Whats wrong with expecting a great game? I thought it would be cool aswell but now im more weary. You should really cheak out the reviews first. If they are bad just rent it if they are good buy it!

By the way you sound like a sheep BAAAD BAAAD


Considering the bad reviews it got, and the low price (20 dollars), I was expecting a total crapfest. I still ponied up because I'm a huge fan of the film, and I figured, how bad could it be? But it is certainly a very good game. No, it's not perfect, and there are some things that remind you that it is a low-budget game, but it's a lot of fun and in my opinion, captured the spirit of the film very well. I am going to write a review on Gamefaqs soon (and I never do that) just to make up for the hostile reviews out there.


I agree, I think the game is really fun


No. no no no no. This did not capture the spirit of the movie at all. It was just a crazy action based game. It leaned more towards the action than towards the movie. What the hell was that mission with Blonde in the mall? Why would he go on a killing spree in a crowded mall? He shot the ones he did because they sounded the alarm and tortured Nash because he was a cop. But this was just crazy. In the movie you get the impression that he took a drive through with nash in the trunk, you know, playing it cool. Not go eliminate every last sucker at a mall because it would be fun. No this did not capture the spirit at all.


You control what Mr. Blonde does you know...if you don't want him to go kill crazy just take a hostage, intimidate people and move on.

'It was just a crazy action based game. It leaned more towards the action than towards the movie.'

What kind of game were you hoping for? One where they stood in the warehouse and swore at each other and did nothing else?

Plotholes are like Bigfoot, people who claim to see them are just trying to stir things up.
