Is this a joke?

I think I may be one of the six people in the world who saw this film (my girlfriend being one of the others). And.. all I could wonder through the 90mins that we sat there, before walking out, is if the entire thing was a very well hidden joke. The first 45mins are absolutely hilarious, but after that everything starts to drag and becomes the same ideas over and over and over.

The film just seemed like a prank to me, with the narrator barely being able to keep from smirking and he delivers his lines...

Basically, this film was just too weird to be serious. Does *anyone* have any clue as to the real background on this thing? My girlfriend maintains it was sincere, just wildly misguided and insane. I think it was too insane to be real.


Even if the director was creating a satire, some of the "experts" participating thought they were presenting the real deal.

Conspiracy theorist "Dr. Stanley Monteith" and Dr. Judith Reisman wouldn't want to dent their "credibility" by voluntarily appearing in a joke.

(Although some might think Reisman's recommending to her website's readers the ravings of an open anti-semite and Holocaust denier has already put a fair dent in her credibility.) Reisman's participation in this project has finished off any academic credibility she had.

Robert Swan, the actor bought in to do the narration, probably realised how halfbaked the whole thing was and couldn't help conveying it in his narration.

While it is possible the director/producer was intentionally manufacturing a spoof, he presented the whole thing as genuine. Personally I think he's bonkers.


The guy who stars in Rape of The Soul, Micheal Calace also wrote and produced the movie. His company also spent thousands of dollars buying out most of the seats to the weekend primetime shows so the movie appeared to make money.
I saw firsthand the theater computer showing saturday night sold out shows and theater with only two or three people...all who had walked out by hitlers entrance in the film.

So heres what I'm thinking...

Since Silver Sword Intl. is based out of Toronto...and since the movie is basicaly the product of one man.. and about as low budget as can be...and is laughably ridiculous...and since he paid to keep it in american theaters over a month...

It must be some international film tax scam for films that come over here by private distribution and make next to no money. Or something like that. I dont really know.

Uwe Boll had an awesome german tax loophole for movies that were funded by germans that flopped in america. "Alone in the Dark" went unnoticed in Jan 04 out here, but some rich German investors were all out there..probably toasting tara reids awesome acting job as the scientist.

Any thoughts anyone?


Despite almost ALWAYS being skeptical of critics who have not seen the medium being critiqued, I have to make an exception here...

Trying to find new work by Erspamer, I could not believe I came across the "Rape of the Soul' among the first hits.

As a parish minister, I used Erspamer's artwork for years. I found it to be appropriate for all liturgical seasons and Scriptural references but, as was to be expected, most people just saw it as 'clip art.' A few members of the community commented on what they perceived to be emotionless clip art. Most who commented found his work to compliment whatever bulletin, retreat guide, et cetera to which it was attached. NONE was so stupid or mean-spirited as to think there was a link to satanism.

While I tend to throw in with the samgash1 about the loophole/tax scam theories, why would the Silver Sword pick Erspamer as its victim?

They're probably not worth the response, but this artist certainly would seem to have grounds to bring a lawsuit againts these folks.

One last thought... Don't you think those (i.e., Silver Sword, et al) who come up with these insane notions are really putting up false objections to things that stew in their own hearts and minds?

Just a thought...


Hey someone else who saw this! I actually made this submission the day after I WALKED OUT of it. Not surprisingly enough, the theatre folks reminded me that I could get a full refund if we walked out before 20 minutes were up.

I too started wondering if it was just a big joke - but I think your girlfriend is right? Anyway, I can't really make any call about it except that it was AWFUL!

Who knows, it could be a future cult classic ;-)

"I talk to god but the sky is empty"
