confusing segment?

anyone understood the segment with that man with the little girl going to the park and her playing by the fountain? What was that scene's point? and what did that woman in the park mean to the guy when she called him a "manny" (sp?)? Then he looked slightly confused (was that an insult or compliment?). That was one of the worst segment's in the film in my opinion


white bitches didn't know he was the girl's dad ...they thought he was just hired help due to the fact that he was ethnic to them and she didn't look it.


Yeah the nanny part was understood as a common stereotype, but what I didn't understand was the dancing.. What was that all about? He looked rather gay on that dancing segment, maybe I'm stereotyping that all ballet male dancers are gay, but did that mean he was a homosexual father?


He's not was just something artsy to throw in (it is a movie about New York) where in the end we truly see that the dude was her dad when she cheers for could've easily been a sports game or something more masculine, but like i said it's an artsy new york's a dancer


He was a man who was spending time with his daughter. He was letting her have the fun she couldn't have with her seemingly uptight mother (eating hot dogs, and such.)Yes, the women called him "manny", thinking he was a male nanny. And yes the man was a dancer. That doesn't mean they were being arsty because it was New York. Or because he was "Gay". I mean, come on. If he was a baseball player, how damn common would that be? Can't a guy be a dancer without people jumping to conclusions? He's a character in a movie, grow up people.


I mean, sure he can be a dancer, but its awfully hard not to jump to conclusions
