Smoking. Am I that uncool?

Is it me or did practically everyone smoke in this movie? I have nothing against it, but by the end it almost felt as though this movie was saying NY is so cool and all the cool people smoke here.


Yes you are. All cool people smoke.


I've noticed that short films do the same thing. I think it's because short film and movies like New York I Love You, have a lot of dialogue between two characters they have to rely on a prop.


- You are cool, Jonathan T25. I personally don't see nothing cool about this bad habit. I've noticed the same thing - it's like almost "all people in New York smoke." LOL. And yes, when an actor/director is not able to invent something then too much of smoking going on. Not many are able to play with the body/eyes language so they need some "prop" in their hands to hold on to.


Well I put it down to the part where Robin Wright's character said something about loving the moments in NY when people have a smoke and they open their eyes and really see the city. It's supposed to mean something. I found it beautiful.

"Tool up, honey bunny. It's time to get bad guys."


I just knew someone would be up in arms over the smoking, but no-one has problems with the thief or the adulterer.
Ah well...


I don't think anyone is "up in arms" over it. The OP was just observing how ubiquitous smoking is throughout the movie. No big deal.


according to movies like this, smoking is in fact cool. So is wearing a scarf when its not cold outside. go figure


you can't take a step in NY without bumping into a smoker. it's a very smoke-heavy city.

The robot falls in love.


I wouldn't describe it as a smoke-heavy city at all. I live in NYC and considering the ratio of smokers to non-smokers, I'd say pretty low compared to most other major cities (CA cities excepted) especially outside the country. In Europe, it feels like at least half of everyone smokes. Yes, yes I know it's unhealthy...I'm just saying in other countries and other parts of the country you don't get nearly as much of a withering stare if you dare to light up.
