This was dark and boring...

...I think I expected a film like Garry Marshall's 'New Years Eve' and 'Valentine's Day'--well done, feel good movies.
This was dark, very serious and boring. I didn't like it at all.


that's so funny, carr23_us. I've avoided this movie for years because I thought it was like Garry Marshall's New Years Eve, Valentine's Day, and Love Actually.

The tone and mood of this movie completely took me by surprise . . . and a very pleasant surprise. I loved each and every segment for their originality, brevity, and lovely story telling.


1. The Ghost story.
2. The Artist who wanted to draw the young Asian girl.
3. The Caregiver and the little girl.
4. The Lovers meeting again.
5. The Prom date.
6. The Diners meeting outside the restaurant for a quick cigarette (Cooper/Wright-Penn)
7. The Pickpocket
8. The Diner & Videographer ... felt incomplete to me. I thought his first message was his phone# that she'd discover when reviewing or editing. Tell me if I misunderstood.


Oh goodness... "New Years Eve" and "Valentines Day" are awful in my opinion. I'm glad this film isn't like them. But I love "Love Actually".
