What a wonderful movie

and a nice break from the Avatar's and Ironman crappy movies of today. I thought both Brian and Paul did a marvelous job and especially loved the patrons of the bar, the duck and the young lady as well. Brian Cox is one of the most talented and underrated actors of our generation.


i just finished watching the film. brilliant piece of art. fantastic performances all around and very well written story.



^ Modulated praise for Cox and Dano's work, but otherwise basically sez it's a grimy collection of air-quote types, a movie that seems to think its underclass setting/characters somehow automatically elevates it to artiness, or makes it interesting.


From a guy who usually likes 'blockbuster' movies, I'd say this move was 'charming' and very likeable.

I felt actual emotion Lucas got hit; it was so graphic, and even though I expected it I genuinely felt sadness.

To me, that makes this movie rare, and a 'real' movie among fakes.


Want a great bar movie with believable types? Barfly. Best depressing bar movie , maybe ever!


Wow, misleading title...depressing...yikes


I totally agree!!! I love Dano and I wish I could see him in more movies.

The crash scene was shocking....I jumped off the bed. But right after that I knew what was going to happen.

I think it was an amazing twist and a really brilliant story.
