Utter CRAP!

Despite the incredible cast, this movie sinks faster and stinks worse than most direct to DVD efforts! GEEZ! I had such high hopes, too. It sure is being promoted to hell on MySpace and other areas---probably because it's such a turd that they are hoping to score SOME of the money back before word gets out.

In writer-director Jeff Thomas' head, I'm sure this all makes sense and I'll bet he thinks he has made a masterpiece. OOoooo... How sad. He had a cool location and an amazing cast---but nothing to hold them together. The script was incoherent, laughably amateurish and jaw-droppingly implausable...despite the supernatural elements!

I'm embarrassed for EVERYONE involved.

Be weary of all of the hype on the Fallen Angels review/message boards. I'm sure by and large it is by people involved in one way or another with the production. Yes, THAT is how desperate they are to unload this crap-o-rama turd.



Someone on here named "poopoobrown" has been hyping this movie up (click his name---it's nothing but "Fallen Angels" messages). Take his/her raves with a grain of salt... and also consider his/her "name". Poo Poo IS brown. "Fallen Angels" could also be called "brown". I'm NOT trying to slam "poopoobrown", just trying to warn people that this movie is BAD! BEWARE!


What's so bad about it?


It's now been 5 months since I viewed this crap...and fortunately it is fading from my memory (although I think I still have the DVD in my closet, I'm NOT about to watch it again). What was so bad about it? It is just a mess. It just makes NO SENSE. It's like huge chunks of narrative are missing. To the writer, I'm sure it made perfect sense in his head---but he never connects the dots for the viewers. Really--I'm NOT trying to slam it to be rude (I've got better things to do with my time than that...). Look at my other reviews. They're all fair. I like some things and others(that are really awful) I leave a warning. Anything in between, I don't bother with. I LOVE trashy, cheesy-bad movies...but this is just TRASH. I don't know how to describe it, other than that. Watch it at your own risk and don't say I didn't warn you though. Truly, it is NOT even worth a rental or the time to sit through and watch it.

And as it blurs in my memory (it is utterly forgettable, thank goodness), I'm sure it will go by the wayside of direct to DVD trash and be lost to the ages as it should be (I just wish it had gotten lost LONG before I ever had to sit through it). UGH!


