MovieChat Forums > The Naked Mile (2006) Discussion > So bad I felt like I was hallucinating

So bad I felt like I was hallucinating

This movie is so bad I felt like I was watching MTV on acid. Lots of montages with people acting really stupid and characters who are obnoxious to the point of surrealism. I'm sure there are movies that are this bad which I haven't seen, but this one is part of the American Pie series, so I figured it would have some redeeming qualities, or at least some sweetness to it. Eugene Levy is in it, for crying out loud.

To be fair, there is some kind of positive message at the end when Dwight (from his hospital bed) says to the main character that he shouldn't be bummed out. Also, the girl who plays the main character's girlfriend is sweet and nice, but these are like flowers in a cesspool. Recommended if you want to see just how witless, crass and annoying a movie can be.


LMAO from your post... and I agree with everything you said.

I think it was at the point in the movie, when the characters commenced hitting ping pong balls with their (thankfully, off-camera) boners, that I realized I was on the verge of suffering a complete psychological collapse. Seriously - when the credits_finally_begun to roll... I felt like Dave during the "7 Minutes" in 2001 - like somebody had dosed me with about a 1000 hits of LSD.

If not for the your aforementioned sweet/cute factor of Erik's girlfriend, Tracy, I would, quite possibly, consider this to be the worst movie I have ever seen (though, as it stands, it's still in the top 5).

Bloody hell this movie sucked.

Internet Message Boards: "Il Buono, il brutto, il cattivo."
