Tracy or Brandy??

Tracy has an angel face and a beautiful body meanwhile Brandy has a porn star sex adict face and a rockin body. I want to have sex with both but If i had to choose I pick Brandy. Who would you choose??


Tracy. Hands down.




No offense, but anyone who picks Tracy needs to have their heads examined. Then again, I'm going with hindsight here. In the sequel, Beta House, Tracy had dumped Eric for that guy she was dating before him, the guy who couldn't handle being in a relationship with her if they weren't having sex.

I'm also speaking from personal experience. Like Eric, I was also in a position where I had to choose between love and just sex. And like a dumbass, I chose love. Guess what happened.

As much as women complain about men only wanting to get laid, they always dump the guy who wants a relationship for the guy who wants to get in their pants. Don't let this happen to you.

"Fate takes all the fun out of free will."




Brandy, not even close. Tracy looks like my best friend's wife, only skinnier. Hell, they could pass for sisters.

"Why do you say this to me when you know I will kill you for it?"


Brandy of course. There was nothing sexual in Tracy, too much sister-type.


Very hard to say. I would bang both of them!????




Anyone saying Brandy is an idiot only thinking about sex and not past that. Give me Tracy. She was a girl you marry. Brandy wanted Eric because he was a virgin. After that he is of no use anymore to her. Brandy is super hot but Tracy was the only long term option there is between the 2.
