Wilhelm Scream...

This is neither here nor there, but... Seasons 1 and 2 used the famous "Wilhelm Scream" quite a bit. Nearly every episode, in fact--and some episodes have two!

Then all of a sudden in Season 3... Nothing. And none in Seasons 4 or 5 either. What gives?

I guess it was kind of cheesy, especially to use it so often, but... I thought it was fun/cool to listen for. Almost like a trademark of the show.

Sayonara. Not to be confused with cyanide, which is, of course, goodbye in any language.


in series 1 they also used coconut halves to simulate the sound of dinosaurs clip-clopping along


There is actually one in season 4, Epi 7.


Thank you! I love such cinema factoids. The Wilhelm Scream compilation on Youtube. Hilarious!

The dinos seem to almost all have the same scream also, I was previously guessing stock screams for those too.

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**


From season 3 the show takes a turn to the more serious topics, with less comic relief thrown in your face, and I think the Wilhelm Scream gave a less serious and realistic impression.

That's my thoughts of it anyway, because I also noticed the lack of Wilhelm Screams.



God I hate the 'Wilhelm scream' completely takes me out of the moment, they used it so much in the first two series.
