Favorite episodes?

What episodes do you think are the creepiest? Or just favorite episodes in general, since a number of them aren't scary at all but are funny instead (or a mixture of scary and funny), and a couple of them are even nice. One example of these is "The Promise", about the guy who gets his grandma to promise to come back and visit him after she dies. And then there are some episodes that are just so bizarre I don't know what to make of them either way lol (an example of this is "The Woman Next Door" about the weird alien/robot-looking thing in the next-door apartment from the main character).

Here are some of my favorites, in no particular order:

"Music Box", about the guy who finds a haunted music box in an antique shop. This was probably the creepiest episode for me.

"The Garden", about the woman who lives in a haunted house and finds out murders took place in her garden.

"Cassette Tape", about the guy whose old bandmate died.

The three-part episode "Please Don't", "Please, No More" and "Come if you Dare", about the family that starts experiencing poltergeist activity because their house is near an intersection where a lot of accidents happen. I thought these were some of the most well-made episodes in the series.

"Copy Machine", about the two girls whose friend gets murdered and the copy machine prints out pictures of the murder taking place.

"The Hotel", about the woman spending the night in a traditional ryokan and something is in the hallway telling her to open the door.

"Elevator", about the phantom elevator a woman finds in her apartment building.

"Handprints", about the guy in a hotel who's considering suicide and then sees handprints appearing on the window.

"Red Tricycle", about the woman whose childhood tricycle kept coming back.

"Only Two of Us", about the little girl whose mother died in a fire.

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