The Best??

All three of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour movies are funny but I think that the first one is the best. One for the Road is the second best.

What do you think the best one is?


1. One for the Road
2. Blue Collar Comedy Tour: The Movie
3. Rides Again

"There's no such thing as stupid questions, just stupid people." -Mr. Garrison (South Park)


One For The Road had me going in laughter the most. They all seemed to be in their prime this one. I also enjoyed the Intro with Dean Martin's "Aint That A Kick In The Head". This one was their classiest and best one.

The Blue Collar Movie (1st One) would be second. This one started it all, but didnt have all th magic One For The Road had.

Blue Collar Rides again would be my third choice. Not that i am saying that i didnt laugh my butt of to it, but i didnt laugh as much to it compared to the others. Still very good and funny.


This is definately the best one!! The first thing I noticed while I was watching was that all of their material was new. They didn't repeat themselves once. And the jokes at the end were pretty good too. Though I did already hear a few of them. I liked Larry's "both with one shot" joke. I really hope this isn't the last one, but if it is, it's a really good way to go out.


I just got it on DVD.I liked it more the second and third times I watched it than I did the first.The first time I think I missed a lot of the jokes.I still like the first movie better but this movie is close.
