Very Disappointing

Slow and repetitive, and much worse than "Wolverine's Revenge".

And the cut-scenes are just lazy and infuriating to watch, so if you by this game, skip the cut-scenes.


what the hell is wrong with you? this game rocks. it's my fav. i think it's better than all the x-men games which are out there.


Really? I know its your opnion but I think the best x-men games are legends

the best thing about the official game was the free poster I got and playing as Nighcrawler.

Mystique and Wolverine foreverMystique Rules!!


Definethy X-Men Legends as the best


I got to agree, it is slow moving, especially looking at the fact that i bought it for the cut-scenes, i mean the people don't even actually move.


Is this game worth 30 bucks or should I wait for a price drop to 20?

Wolverine:Scott hurry up and get that airplane
Cyclops:Don't worry b**** I got the pimp-mobile


what do you exspect Zak Penn wrote the damn thing he killed x-3 and killed the game plain and simple.


Yeah, except Fox had the ability to say "no" to his script. Blame them.

Looks like you forgot to take your anti-retard pills again.


Yeah this game is really terrible. I should have rented something else.
