
It says the languages of this movie are Hebrew, English, and German. But there's also Tagalog, which is the language the Filipino woman speaks in the film. Not only that, but there's way more Tagalog than German in the movie...but German gets listed and Tagalog doesn't!

Why is Tagalog ignored? I think it's Eurocentrism and/or cultural ignorance (I can't think of any other reason).






Modern Hebrew is spoken by about 4.8 million people.
Tagalog, formally known as Filipino, the national language of the Philippines, is spoken by 22 million people.
So does that mean that Hebrew is not a main language, since Tagalog, spoken by so many more is also not a main language according to you?

They should have listed it.



Sorry, Monkey King, you missed the logic of the argument. You imply that Tagalog should not be listed because it is the language of a small third world country. The size of the country or the quantity of speakers of a language has no connection with the listing of a language that is used in the film. For example, the film "The Constant Gardner" lists Swahili along with English, Italian, German.
With your arrogant and infantile attitude, you most likely would consider those who speak Swahili as third-worlders whose language is not important enough to be credited. It is also true that Swahili is not even an official language, it is a lingua franca spoken by various ethnic groups in different countries and yet the language was credited along with the languages of, golly, gee whilikers, big, important first-world countries. The point, I repeat, is not the range or cultural importance of the language, it is simply a case of correct documentation. If it is used in a film, it should be credited. Period.
Think about that while you are peeling a banana with your toes.



Monkey_King, your post is devoid of content and information. Please just either discuss the issue or don't post and use your time more productively elsewhere. And it doesn't make any sense to call someone else insecure or overly sensitive when you are BY FAR reacting more strongly than anyone else here. :D


"Tagalog isn't really a main language like Chinese." That is a really dumb thing to say, especially since Tagalog is the Philippines "main" language.

- jeffsterz©


LOL, well, it's listed now anyways..

Some velvet morning when I'm straight...
