Sexual exploitation

It didn't occur to me until afterwards, but the part where they are bored at the nightclub and decide to call in some of the good looking labourers.

They're really just objectifying them, and we don't know what is in the guys heads, maybe they feel forced to do this or else they can't get a job with them again.

You could say the girls are using the guys not only for the cheap labour (illegally renting them out and not paying tax, and thus having no insurance for them), but also using them for sex as they call them at their leisure and there is a definitive power factor the women have over them being their employers.

It would have been easier to see if they had been men deciding to call in some of their foreign women workers.


good point especially with the last remark.


Yeah, that one was one of the little steps into the abyss.


Not only did they use the men for sex, the one who showed up for Rose was not the one she thought was coming and she didn't even care.



I think it's supposed to be an ironic contrast to the beginning, when she's harassed by that sleazy co-worker. It just shows that she's not better than her former employers at all. Besides, it makes the pub guy's funny prediction about women in the future come true...


Lol... are you serious?

I very much doubt either of the men were complaining.

She didn't force then to come around, they chose to do so.

Ashmi any question


When they arrived, both guys seemed to be checking Angie out on the stairs but didn't seem exactly keen on Rose when they got to the top of the stairs.

I don't think either of them would have felt forced into having sex with Angie - she's attractive in a white trash kind of way and they both seemed interested - but Rose may have been a different story.

"Please don't eat me! I have a wife and kids. Eat them!"
