I love this musical!

I can't believe that there is an IMDB page for this! YESSS! I've been wanting to discuss this musical forever!

Personally this is my favorite cast for this. But I appreciate Pia Douwes as Elisabeth.

What do you all think of this musical? Why do you love it? What do you not like about it? Favorite songs?

I really love "Wenn Ich Tanzen Will" (When I Want to Dance), "Die Schatten Werden Langer" (The Shadows Grow Longer, Act 1 and Act 2 versions), "Die Letze Tanz" (The Last Dance), and "Maladie" (Malady).

Like a reviewer said, this is not like other musicals. It's not cheesy, the woman doesn't want true love, and the main couple is passionate and fiery instead of mushy-gushy.

Sometimes when I watch this I wish Maya Hokvoort was younger, but really, she does such an awesome job it doesn't really matter. I love Mate Kamaras as Death, he does a very great job - intense singing, lots of feeling. Also, I think he's handsome. :3

I agree with another thread on Lucheni - he rocks in this one!

