Japanese Elisabeth

Has anyone seen any Japanese productions of Elisabeth? They are done by this all-female group called "Takarazuka." All the parts, including Death, are played by women. The women playing male parts sing in very low voices - VERY low, it's astounding!

Also, the costumes are very sparkly and colorful. It has a bit of a different feel than Austrian Elisabeth but is still the same story, characters, and is still wonderful.

There are different troupes in Takarazuka, divided by name - moon troupe, flower troupe, etc. Different troupes have done various Elisabeth productions. One of my friends is very fond of the Flower (hana) troupe's version. I also like the moon version, because the woman playing Death in that one has a lovely voice.

By the way, they have subtitled versions of certain songs in both Austrian and Japanese Elisabeth on YouTube! Check it out if you haven't already.

