I loved it!

I just watched it for the first time.

I really enjoyed it.



Good! I'm glad that SOME people don't hate this movie. It was a lot of fun.


I'm with you 100%.

To be honest, I was expecting it to be a huge bust considering how bad anime films translate to actual films; DragonBall being the last travesty that come to mind, and I sure as hell hope they don't go through with Macross and Tobey Maguire.

I was pleasantly surprise with Blood.





I loved it as well.

Saya actually just stole the number one spot of my favorite 'vampire' slayers. Love Blade, Buffy and whoever Jessica Biel played (I mean, I really didn't care what the character's name was - she was cool and hot!), but Jun/Gianna has just topped them IMO. I think, and hope, that this is just the beginning of both this character and this actress. I would watch more of her stuff right away (especially sassy girl,) but they are not on Netflix instant watch yet.

As far as the effects go, I thought it went along with this type of story. During the action sequences, I felt like I was 'watching' a comic book, which may have been the effect the filmmakers were after...?

We all need mirrors to remind us who we are...I'm no different...


I liked it too. Not bad. 5/10.


Not sure I'd say I "loved" it, but compared to certain western efforts at adapting anime into liveaction this was at the very least fun and entertaining, horrible CGI aside. I gave it 6/10 for not being bored and for not having to worry about lovesick, sparkling vampires.
