
I've been a longtime follower of Nickelodeon ever since I was a wee child; I grew up on the classics like 'Rugrats', 'Doug', 'Ren & Stimpy'...but was also witness to it's downfall in the early '00s, after the network traded in excellent, intelligent fair such as 'The Adventures of Pete & Pete' and 'Hey! Arnold' for filth like 'The Fairly OddParents' and 'Unfabulous': live action shows that are banal at best and annoying cartoons that revel in their own stupidity and appease to the attention span of a fruit fly.

'El Tigre', on the other hand, I strongly believe to be one of the best shows Nickelodeon's had since 2003 (or possibly longer; I, myself, am a fan of that year's 'My Life As A Teenage Robot'). Sure, the show's not *great*, nor is it groundbreaking in any way, but it's entertaining...and most importantly, it's not stupid (it's often *goofy*, sure, but not stupid).
It's not condescending to kids, the voice acting's good, it has some funny/charming moments, the stories are interesting...the animation's a bit flashy, but it fits the show. All in all, it's a rather enjoyable show, and much more tolerable than most of the tripe we see on Nickelodeon nowadays..I mean, I don't know what the heck that 'Mr. Meaty' thing is, but that sure ain't cuttin' it for entertainment.

Sure, 'El Tigre' may be a small show, but I'm hoping that maybe it could be the start of a whole new, less stupid era of Nickelodeon...possibly. I dunno...a guy can dream.


I know, it doesn't seem dumbed down, and I love the Mexican cultural references and setting! (I'm from a Mexican family)

"Now it's time to get this party crackin'" (Eddie Guerrero's final entrance theme)


This show is like the NEW TEENAGE ROBOT. And what I mean by that it is as entertaining MY LIFE AS A TEENAGE ROBOT. I can't stand SPONGEBOB, he nothing but a pest.


El Tigre is nothing but a pest. Everytime I hear that stupid wench scream on the commercials for it I have to turn my TV off so I don't bang my head against the wall, causing an aneurysm.

We're going to the Winchester!
