Made Up Characters?

Do any of you have your own El Tigre?

Heres Mine.

Name:Lupe Revira


A.K.A:El Leopardo

Family:Manny Revira (Older Brother by one year) , Redalpho Rivera (Father) Maria Rivera (Mother) Grandpappi Granddad)

Sared Item:Like Manny a belt buckle.

Powers:Powerful long claws , Powerful Roar Attack ,Jumping Abblities

Favorite Pasttime:Saving the day as El Leopardo by fighting crime.(Maria is not happy with Lupe going out and risking her life to save people with her dad , bro and graddad cause she hoped Lupe chose not go in into the family biz for safety reasons but Lupe feels her place is where her fighting family is but non the less lets her dauther fight along her bro , dad and granddad when their together.)Being Michefouse

Lupe is Manny's sister , Redalfo's daughter and Grandpapi's grandauther.Like Manny Lupe inherted superpowers through her belt buckle.Lupe's secert identidy is El Leopardo.When Maria came back to Mircale City after years of bing a Marichi singers she brouth Lupe with her( After Maria and Redalpho got devorced Maria took Lupe wile Redalpho and Grandpapi took Manny).Lupe is happy to back with the hole family and will fight crime with her bro sometimes and sees her bro , dad and grandad on regular base but she dose not live them because she lives with Maria but she sneeks of to be with to Manny once and awile.

Captain Jack Sparrow:Did no one come to save me just becaues they missed me?

Syrus-Fan:I did!
