the reason newt is dumb

I personally think it's because he is one of the only white characters on the show.

Also Chelsea on That's So Raven was one of the only white characters and she was dumb as well.

There are many other shows were the white character are dumb on a tv show were most of the characters are ethnic.



He is not one of the only white characters on the show, quite a lot of the characters are white, but some main characters aren't.

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If that was the case the President and like half the people at their school would all be complete morons.
I think they are just trying to give him a "chelsea" considering this show doesnt seem very orignal.

Chelsea wasnt always dumb. If you watch the early episodes she wasnt stupid she just cracked bad jokes all of the time and was kinda slow on Raven and Eddie's. If was after a couple of seasons that they turned her into a complete idiot lol.


And Disney believe it works. Lilly on Hannah Montana is quickly becomeing an abject moron. At least Newt started stupid so it doesn't seem like such a wild turn-around. I'm also glad that not every line is full of stupudity. While the way he speaks sometimes comes off as stupid, he is still able of carrying on a normal conversation.

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Yeah thats what i was thinking. They started him off as stupid haha. I dont watch Zack and Cody much but isnt the London character stupid too? I dont know maybe someone told them you have to have a village moron on every show lol. But he does have random moments where he will say something really intelligent. Those are his funniest ones for me.


Yes, London is the dumbest of the dumb. It gets annoying after a while. As for Newt, he flashes of intelligence are always funny.

There's no need to fear. Underdog is here!



I really think that's just a coincidence. Why would Disney make all the Asian people on the shows dumb and the African Americans mean or uptight?


I think it's important to note that Ashley from HM wasn't dumb in season 1. She was equally as evil as Amber, but just as popular. Season 2 portrays her as "Amber's idiot lackey". What's worse is that Lilly has also become "Miley's idiot lackey".

There's no need to fear. Underdog is here!



Please Visist Always Maiara Walsh - thanks!


alright underdog, we get the point. give it up.


also in the suite life i've noticed that maddie used to be the SMART one who didn't worry about boys and her looks, but now in some episodes she is becoming dumber and boy crazy and worries about clothes and her appearance. =[


Believe it or not (I sure can't)
The President is NOT fully white
He's Hispanic.

The President is Richard Martinez, his wife and daughter are definitely Hispanic and look at his mother, she's Hispanic!


Isnt the prsident Mexican??? or of Latin descent i mean... wjen they had his mother on the show she was hella mexican... i should know i am mexican


but the president is a complete moron in the show!!! listen to the things that come out of his mouth! i don't think he's supposed to be white though, anyway, he's hispanic. so that doesn't really pertain to the similarities between shows. isn't his last name martinez?

and i've noticed that about chelsea. in the earlier episodes she was actually quite witty. i don't know why they decided to change her personality.




I don't think it's a race thing. I think on every Disney Channel show they have the friend/sidekick who's a dim bulb, and supposed to be comedic relief. It's just the way Disney does things.


After a while it gets annoying.




After a while it gets annoying. But on every single one of disneys shows they have a dumb character. Race has nothing to do with it because in fact one only like 3 shows they had a dumb character be white. You cant forget about all the other stupid characters they put on the show. If you want to know the best name for it, its called cheap laughs. They make someone stupid to get cheap laughs, instead of well played comedic ones. Its a cheap disney channel show ppl. A lot of ppl do that in real life to just to get laughs, its for effect. Stop freaking out because ppl are saying white ppl are stupid. I am white aswell and in reality we are the stupidest nation in the world so give it a rest. I think it has more to do with disney and the fact that he is a dude- he fits the traditional skater rocker sufer bum attitude. Atleast thats what society tells us.


I don't if there's a racial angle to the dumbness of some of the characters but I do have to say it's EXTREMELY annoying. Also, the characters tend to be dumbed down after the first season of the show (with the exception of Cory In The House). It's annoying

Take a look:

Lizzie McGuire:

Ethan Craft started out as a tough guy that Lizzie and every girl in the school had a crush on but then eventually he became a complete airhead. There was even an episode of Season 2 where they introduce Ethan's stepmom and she's twice as dumb.

That's So Raven:

Chelsea was very down to earth in the first season but starting from the 2nd season to the end she was an airhead. That was a waste of Anneliese's talents, she's beautiful and talented, I'm surprised she wasn't offended when she read the scripts.

Hannah Montana:

Season 1 saw Jackson's best friend as Cooper, who was just like him in mannerisms and he was laid back. However, they wrote him off and replaced him with a truly annoying dumb character, Thor. Okay...that was horrible. Thor's a terrible character.

Phil of The Future:

Wtf is wrong with Owen from Season 2? He's completely brainless. He replaced Tanner Kirkpatrick from the 1st Season who was a bully to Phil. Keely kind of got dumbed down a little too.

Cory In The House:

Newt started as a nitwit. This show's premiere and 1st season was so rushed unlike Raven which started out with a smoother 1st season.

The Suite Life of Zack and Cody:

Okay in the first season, all of the characters had some form of a brain lol. London wasn't an airhead heiress, she was snobby and mean. Zack also seemed to be a little more intelligent. However with Season 2: London was dumbed down extremely (and Maddie was given a horrid temper) and Zack was dumbed down as well...he's brainless.


dude i never thought about it like that! wtf?



The thing with London has nothing to do with her being Asian. As someone said, they make fun of Paris Hilton. Get it? Here's a demonstration.

London-Paris. See. London: City. Paris: City

London-Hotel Heiress. Paris-Hotel Heiress.

London-complete dipstick. Paris-complete dipwad.


You see?

And there is a dumbo in every disney show. People have pointed out.
My Dream School!




cos hes blonde



Scuse me im blonde and smart

Yurp <<< Fun word!


Disney always has to have a dumb person.. and it happens to be blondes on both Hannah Montana and Cory in the House. Disney just needs to realize no one is always that dumb and blondes are actually smart.. Shocker I know..


all shows on disney have to have dumb people cuz thats what makes it fun and funnier newt has him self alot of funny monents and smart monents like in the epi just desserts and he is just funny in corey in the house
thats what make the shows funny!

i love jason dolley


all comedies have to have a 'stupid' person
full house: Kimmie Gibler
Friends: I think Pheobe/Joey
Still Standing: I always thought the husband was the stupid one
Will and Grace: Karen
Girlfriends: Tony Childs
The game: Malik

I think Disney needed a guy to finally be stupid I mean they have Lily, Chelsea, and London all being stupid. ALso it might be easier to understand Jason when he says he stupid/funny lines than the other girl because hr accent can sometimes be a little tough to understand.


Theres a very different case in all those shows compared to disney channel. Yea some of those characters a dumb, but they all have more in their character then just being dumb. Secondly those shows are popular, not because thers a dumb person. Unlike disney channel, those shows give the dumb people actually comedic lines and not cheap laugh ones. Yea thers a cheap laugh every now and again but not as often.


i never really considered lily dumb in the second season...?
i guess she had short glimpses of dumbness but everyone does once in awhile.
now, ASHLEY.
that one was a HUGGEEE change. she went from being mean and snobby to a complete dumb *** same with london. it's annoying.
examples of their idioticness in the 2nd [and 3rd] season:
london: i'm sick of her stealing the lemonlight!' now that was the dumbest line i've ever heard her say
amber: that's funny, her pigs have our names! ohh....

zack also got dumb but he got smart sometimes. like when he's in summer school and he's the smartest person there.


I don't know why people think Chealsea,Newt, and other "stupid characters" are funny when they're stupid. I find it pointless...i don't think there is really a person that stupid in real life...IT IS REALLY ANNOYING MEEE! and that person who said that lily is becoming miley's lackey, like ashley is with the lackey for Amber, you are so right! it's getting annoying with the stupidness...




