Yet Another Man-Hating Show?

I've seen a couple of episodes of 'Breaking Up with Shannen Doherty', and it seems to me to be yet another man-hating show. It's bad enough these 'ladies' (and I'm being very generous here) aren't brave and considerate enough to break up with their 'significant other' in private, but they have to do it in the most public of ways, leaving them with as little dignity and respect as possible. Yes, I know that some may need additional help breaking up with their former loves. But if she can express all she needs to in a video for this show, she can do the same in private.

One episode had Shannon trashing a guy for being fine with the break-up because he had another girlfriend. She was upset because he wasn't hurting! Then she says she wouldn't cheat on her love with another, wondering how he (and men in general) could. That was implication! As if women don't cheat! If not, then who the hell are men cheating with?! I'm sure not all of them are single and 'available'. I recall having sympathy for Shannon after her boyfriend made that video with Paris Hilton. Not anymore.

Btw, I've not seen a man breaking up with his girlfriend yet. Is there any difference? Is Shannon any more or less sympathetic?

Maybe I DO wanna be a french fry!


Apparently you haven't really watched it. The reason Shannen was mad at that guy, is because he was cheating on his girlfriend that had been his best friend for over 15 years and didn't show ANY sympathy. Also, on like the second or third episode, a guy broke up with his girlfriend. She was treats everyone the same. It's not a man hating show, it's a show that helps couples find out if they're meant to be together. There was one episode when a girl wanted to break up with her boyfriend so she could explore her sexuality and she was completely nice to the boyfriend AND the girl. Don't dis a show (or anything else) when you don't know anything about it.



Whoa! Struck a nerve. You a man-hater?


No, actually I'm just defending something that I actually like...but you have a right to have an opinion different than mine so I'm not gonna try to insult you.



Well, just to be fair and objective, the next time it's on, I'll give it another go. Maybe I'll see differently after a few more shows. What I said before was an initial impression after seeing just two shows. I've always thought Shannon was attractive, though. I can't see why her ex would drop her for Paris. :x


Yeah,I can't see why either...Paris has probably slept with like every young male Celebrity in Hollywood.



Then again, she did pick a jerk for a boyfriend...

Why girls pick jerks for boyfriends and then are surprised when they act like jerks is beyond me. They like the 'excitement' and 'unpredictability' of being treated like crap, yet they're SHOCKED upon being treated like crap. I'll never understand that.

I have One Night In Paris, and Paris was very likely under-aged when Shannon's ex made that video of them having sex. That Shannon would pick someone like that says more about her than about him. And she's not alone. There are girls lining up now to be with him and guys like him -- jerks.

Girls, if you 'choose' to be with a jerk, don't be so surprised to find him acting like one...



Another overly sensitive guy crying about "sexism." I bet you think BET is "racist" too.

