MovieChat Forums > Smith (2006) Discussion > Museum Job ?? Amount the gang get each ?...

Museum Job ?? Amount the gang get each ??

I'm sure in Episode 1 Bobby say the museum job is worth $2million, but in episode 2 he says he gets half & the rest gets shared between the other members

$2million - 50% = £1million
£1million split 5 ways = $200,000

If split 4 ways (-Shawn's cut) = $250,000

But in episode 2 Annie opens the envelope and says there's only $100,000 in there but should be $150,000, Bobby says it's still split 5 ways, but either way you look at it both amounts are wrong ???

The remaining gang members should have either $200,000 or $250,000 NOT $100,000 or $150,000


I reacted to EXACTLY that just now,when I was watching the show hahaha!! I had to rewind like three times... Cause she says"Its only a 100 here". Ray goes"Thats the split" She goes,"We get 50%. 50% split 4 ways is 150 each" which would implie that everyone besides Liottas character ALL TOGETHER GET 600 000 after the deal was done.And then when its split FIVE´s a 100 each? Couldn´t they make it clear that Shawns wife gets 200 IF that now was the exakt amount,a change in the deal or something.I know she´s blonde was 50% split four ways gonna be 150 each?If they somehow don´t count in that Shawn got his first half before he died....anyway,agree.Very weird.


the job was 2milion$
let's say the charlie gets 1mil.
the other 1 mil is split 500.000 for bobby, and the rest get 100.000 each. 500.000/5
1 guy down they should get 125.000 each, not 150.000
however it is the math in that scene is wrong.


The split is always after expenses. Bobby usually fronts those and I think they once talk about money given upfront for jobs.


This is how it went.

$2,000,000 job. Half was paid up front and we did not get to see that spilt.

Still the split was 50% to Ray's character and the rest divided amongst the others.

Which meant they were splitting $500,000. Her math was still wrong. If split 4 ways it would have been $125,000 instead of $100,000.

The main thing is Ray gets half.
