MovieChat Forums > Jericho (2006) Discussion > Favorite/Least Favorite Characters?

Favorite/Least Favorite Characters?

Favorite Male Characters for me are Robert Hawkins, Jake Green, Stanley Richmond Johnston Green & Dale Turner. Roberts pretty much a bad ass, Jake redeems himself ten x over for whatever wrong he did, Stanley is kind and totally funny, Johnston is just cool and Dale is awesome to a fault: for being so loyal to that awful hag Gracie.

Least Favorite Male Characters: Grey Anderson, Eric Green and John Goetz. I think John is easy enough to figure out my dislike for, sad though as he was one of my favorites on Memphis Belle years ago. I will admit I haven't seen everything the actor who played Grey Anderson is in, but everything I have seen just makes me want to punch him in the head. Eric Green I just don't like him. Probably from the way he treats April and kept putting Mary Bailey off. I think by rights both women should have kicked him to the curb. He never seems like much of a man.

Favorite Female Characters: Heather Lisinki, Bonnie Richmond, Gail Green, and Mimi Clark. I like Heather because she's pretty self conscious at first, but so mechanically inclined which is a wonderful step away from the normal stereotype. Bonnie is funny, devoted to her brother and I don't mean to be offensive but I love the way she talks. Gail is the kind of mom every person should have, comforting, supportive but at the same time fierce when needs be. Mimi is funny mostly (the stuff that happens to her) but also supportive of people and seems reluctant to show her weak side as she did when she learned DC was gone.

Least Favorite Female Characters: Gracie Leigh, Skylar Stevens (at first), Mary Bailey, Emily Sullivan and April Green. The actress who plays Gracie usually plays parts like this and again is someone you just want to punch in the head for being so mean to people. Skylar I disliked for her maltreatment of Dale in the beginning, but she grew on me somewhat. Mary just rubs me the wrong way and after Eric kept putting her off she should've realized she could do better. Emily really comes off as a stereotypical dumb blond with daddy issues and I felt her character was pretty superficial and self involved. My least favorite episode is Crossroads where she keeps flashing between her dream wedding and reality. Suck it up and pull up your big girl panties for corn sake. I really didn't dislike April, in fact I felt sorry for her, but there was just something about her character that didn't sit well with me which is hard to place. I think it was her being in often conflict with the main characters, the guy with radiation poisoning, the drama with Eric etc.


Doing a rewatch almost two years later I have to add to my least favorite male characters list: Sam Hawkins. That kid can't act his way out of a paper bag. He is just plain awful. In fact I don't like any member of Robert Hawkins family. There is never a tender or peaceful moment it's just nothing but non stop family drama and stress. If I wanted that I'd take up soaps.

“The critic has to educate the public; the artist has to educate the critic.”



Thanks for the thoughtful reply, I pretty much agree with you. Dale was hard to take after the Mitchell thing I agree, but you could see he was tired of being used.

You are one point perfectly with Bill. I have hated him every time I watch this series. He's an absolute coward and a bully without any common sense. Most police officers IRL are usually pretty decent, but jobs like that do attract the kid who was picked on his whole life or the bully who wants power. Prison guard jobs seem to do the same often.

I always start off hating Gray, probably because I first saw him as a scumbag on Prison Break, and he is almost never a good guy in most roles I have seen him. After a while though I do realize that he does make valid points here and there, but otherwise he's a power seeking buffoon.

The hardest part for me was DB Sweeny as a bad guy. I loved that guy in Memphis Belle so years later seeing him like that in Jericho was wow. He can totally pull off the evil bad guy too.

You're right also I like Remar as well.

“The critic has to educate the public; the artist has to educate the critic.”
