MovieChat Forums > The Black Donnellys (2007) Discussion > Other shows/movies/books like this show?

Other shows/movies/books like this show?

Any recs for a fan of The Black Donnellys?

It's like we're British...
But in a GOOD way.


I've been looking for shows like it as well, I'm trying to get my hands on the DVD pack of season one but I wnat some more stuff like it.

I guess the most obvious and popular would be "The Sopranos" which I am definatly addicted to now.


The Wire

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


Boondock Saints


I know this reply is like two and half years too late, but as far as books go you might be interested in the Michael Forsythe trilogy by Adrian McKinty.

The books are...

Dead I Well May Be
The Dead Yard
The Bloomday Dead

"Oh, you're so cool Brewster"


Watch the movie Sleepers! A lot of similaritys between the two..... Sleepers is about 4 boys, and 1 girl in Hells Kitchen, New York....different plot but it will remind you of it.... Reminds me of the show SO MUCH.
