Just re-watched the DVDs.

Its been almost 7 years since it was cancelled and I just watched my DVD set and was once again instantly HOOKED with the first episode. Knowing how the set ends I had to keep telling myself it's going to end don't fool yourself. The way the DVD set ends totally sucks, but would have totally worked as mid-season/season finale. I don't understand why the good shows get cancelled.


Nice to hear that someone else has rewatched this recently, too. I saw it again over the summer and really enjoyed it. The cast, crew, and writers did a great job. I love the complex, multiple layers of the performances. It still angers me that it was cancelled, but at least we got a full season of episodes.





First time I saw it was this past week on Netflex I liked it. The last episode ended badly. Kind of reminded me how the purple gang was formed in Detroit . They were a youth gang that wanted to go big time and did.

There was a gang from east Harlem some of them saw the movie the purple gang about the Detroit guys that I just mentioned.

They loved it and they started their own Purple Gang from Italian Harlem. They had about 30 guys and another 80 associates. They were a real crew. They were a rogue crew because they worked for all of the five families. They even had ties to the Irish gang the Westies. Their guys were in east Harlem the Bronx and even Brooklyn. You did not have to be Italian to be one of them.


I'm a fan of Tom Guiry, so I wanted to watch "The Black Donnelly's." I was able to find the episodes on youtube over the summer. I really liked everything about the show, and I am disappointed it was cancelled for no real reason. The actors all did a great job, and the storylines were really intriguing.


Yeah I never understand the cancellation of good shows, and 10 years down the road a show that's basically the same thing will be a hit. Just depends on the generation watching it I guess. But mark my words one day they will try a show similar to Black D. and it will be a hit.


I kind of wondered if people thought "The Black Donnelly's" was just copying "The Sopranos," but honestly, I never really was interested in "The Sopranos." My dad watched it a few times.


Yeah, I don't know. I watched The Sopranos some, don't have cable so only ever caught it on DVD and haven't seen the finale 2 or 3 seasons of it. I see many of the shows I like cancelled and I never understand why. I believe a few of the cancelled shows I liked had decent ratings, better then others shows that got kept on the air. So I really don't understand the cancellation process networks go through.


I think I may have mentioned this on another part of the thread, but I heard that NBC has a new president each year, and I guess that makes a difference. I don't know. NBC in general just seems to cancel all the good shows like this, and I liked "American Dreams," and that was cancelled. There were a few other shows that were cancelled. I think each channel has it's own "standards" for what they consider low and high ratings.

In all, this was a GREAT show and I really wanted to see what happened to the Donnelly family and the Italian gangs.


If u like black Donnelley s u should check out brotherhood. Not as much comic relief, still good action, drama.


Brotherhood is exceptional. One of my all time favorites.

Writers get paid to lie and tell moronic, sophomoric, biased, vapid, and empty stories.
