MovieChat Forums > Stir of Echoes: The Homecoming (2007) Discussion > why does this sound like it will go dire...

why does this sound like it will go direct to dvd?

What the hell are the people who are producing this movie thinking. Yea the first one was pretty good but wtf not every descent movie ever put out needs a sequel. Yes this is gong to be a different story but a sequel to a descent movie with a bunch of no name actors not saying they dont have talent in my opinion is going to probably be garbage


i agree it has the soud of butterfly effect 2, behind enemy lines 2, ect


I thought the first one was awesome. This however, is bound to be crap.
Rob Lowe in a ghost movie sequel....GREAT!!!!!


it's going to be on si-fi channel
as for if it's any good I doubt it


By law if it's on SciFi it MUST therefore suck.



There have been a couple good SciFi channel movies. My guess is it's only a sequel in name i.e. they are using the name "Stir Of Echoes" to try and make some more money out of it.


Well, from what we know...doesn't the character Rob Lowe plays in the movie...has no connection to Bacon's character in the first one?

My movie review site.


decent.... not descent.... that is all.


Nonsense! Cube was on Scifi, and Cube was awesome!


as were Dog Soldiers and Abdominal and the Man With the Screaming Brain.


it's actually direct to tv, comes on sci fi in a couple days



Alien Apocalypse was amusing but then again Bruce Campbell is the god of b movies


First off critic02,the scifi channel has something to do with Battlestar Galactica(new version) which is excellent and has won several awards. Secondly,I just saw Stir of Echoes :The Homecoming ,and while it wasn't as good as the original,it wasn't bad either. I do notice that alot of what Sci-Fi produces is crap,but not all of it.


Sci Fic Channel does not produce many of the movies it claims as "originals" – 'Homecoming' is a prefect example.

Not long ago they claimed that 'George and the Dragon' was a Sci Fi Channel original movie and a world premiere to boot.

I'd bought the DVD overseas a couple of years before.


Nothing so exalted as going straight to DVD. This ones going on the SciFi Channel right with Supergator and Ice Spiders.
