No more blood for oil

This is actually a good movie is you look at it as a metaphor. Yes, SciFi movies can be really bad. How many of us watch them anyway? But this movie, when viewed a little more abstractly, centers on The American Family As Collateral Damage due to our unending war for oil. [some of] Our Vets come back damaged and that damage affects their families. If you look at stats, there IS a rise in abusive behavior, both to self and their families. The war stays in the heads of our young folks who fight without being able to tell the true enemy from the people who need help from an abusive political regime. The term 'abusive' applies to the Middle East AND America. On one of the message boards, someone described Bush as "clinically insane". I'd love to see a psych report on the man.

I have a degree in Psych and am the daughter of a Korean War Vet [marine]. As a Whistle Blower in the Federal Gov, I understand PTSD first hand. I got totally crushed. I can’t even IMAGINE what it would be like to come back from a war where I had to kill someone, espc if I wasn’t sure if I killed a true enemy combatant or got someone who was innocent. I know how to handle firearms. I’ve never doubted I could kill in defense of self or a child. I also have never doubted that it would have a grave effect on my brain and soul. I’d love to see a movie that dealt with the subject in a serious and statistically correct manner. Including the failure of our government to take care of their veterans. Have you ever been in a VA Hospital? I’ve been in many in the course of my government job. They’re awful. Then there is the fact that the Gov made it legal, during the first Gulf War, to give experimental drugs to our troops without their knowledge or consent. It was published in the Federal Register in the FDA section, which I read every day. From here I’d just go into a political tirade so I’ll stop.

Please treat our Vets with respect even if you oppose the war. The blame is on our Gov and upper-level Military men/women not our young folks who fight. Do what you can to support agencies that are trying to help our vets and the groups trying to stop this unjust war.

Remember the Golden Rule: treat others as you would want to be treated.


He wasn't even Pakistani.



Yes, I caught that. I hope other folks picked up on it too. It was part of the reason I felt the need to start this thread. The title of this thread was from the bumper sticker on his vehicle. War breeds unwarranted hatred. American-born Muslims are lumped in with the extremists like Bin Ladin [sp?] as are the moderate Muslims in other countries. Extremists of ANY religion pervert the words of their Prophet. The Koran contains great wisdom. As do other religious texts. See also “Are Creationists really that Dumb” in the Health and Science board. Or, easier: check my list of posts. I’ll have one in the Religion and Philosophy section sometime in the next week or so.

Remember the Golden Rule: treat others as you would want to be treated.


Exactly. Do unto others as you would have done to unto yourself. You are very right and I agree with your points.



Thank you! And thank you for providing the original language for the Golden Rule. I paraphrased because I didn’t want to screw up the original version. I made a minor edit in my original post: re: the bumper sticker. I really didn’t expect anyone to respond to the thread; at least not so swiftly. Hope others look in. What is the significance of “<3”? Use PM if you wish. Enjoy!

Remember the Golden Rule: treat others as you would want to be treated.


Ofcourse :-D

The "<3" is the signature. It's a side-ways heart.



For what it's worth (and in a 7+ year old probably forgotten thread! perhaps much) you seem like someone who'd appreciate this fact:
The Golden Rule (due unto others) is one of the few common threads in every religion. They all have a version of the phrase, which all mean the same thing.



I don't know, I just drove to Denver for $80 and it took me $180 in the summer.


all very true, only this movie was rather bad and a terrible platform to talk about those issues.


This was definitely a political film and I like how it addresses the issue of racism and intolerance. Who is the enemy? Are there truly any enemies? The main character is his own enemy. It's very philosophical, If we choose to examine it from that angle.


Everyone is their own worst enemy.


Exactly! Sartre said hell is other people but I think it's ourselves.
