Similar movies to this??

I really enjoyed this movie.

I liked how it was managed to weave together comedy and tragedy yet managed to deliver and overall upbeat, feel-good mood (at least to me)

Does anyone have any recs for movies (independant or otherwise) that someone who enjoyed this might like?



This isn't really what you are looking for but I could have sworn that around when this movie came out there was another movie that was released around the same time with a similar premise. If I remember correctly I saw the trailers for both and the other one looking a lot more silly and played up the comedy angle more so than this movie. Does anybody remember this?


I remember seeing a French movie that was very similar before this one came out. I just can't remember the name.

What's outside of Pleasantville?


Found it - it's Monique (2002) - Valérie Guignabodet. I don't know if Lars is based on Monique but the storyline shares many similarities. It is worth seeing if you have the opportunity. I actually prefer it to Lars. It may be because I saw it first, but I found it to be very original, funny and bizarre yet believable.

What's outside of Pleasantville?


Well I don't want to highjack this thread but I know the movie I was thinking about with a similar premise came out in 2006/2007 right around the time of Lars and the Real Girl and was an English language film. I remember seeing both trailer a few months apart.


HARVEY with James Stewart is a movie you might enjoy. Stretching it a bit...Mannequin 1 & 2.



Just to stick my oar in for a moment - I am almost certain that the film you're thinking of is 'The Dummy' ( It came out about 10 years ago & stars Adrien Brody. The premise of the film is similar to 'Lars...', with Brody fixating on a ventriloquists dummy rather than a lurrrve doll, and, as you suggested, the tone of the film is much lighter with an emphasis on comedy.

Despite that, I laughed way more during 'Lars...'. :P


Hi Halcapone,
Thanks for the suggestion but that isn't the movie. The trailer I saw definitely had a "love doll" and came out closer to the time of Lars and the Real Girl. Maybe I'll start a a new thread on the Need to Know Board if I don't get more responses here.


OP! There is a film called 'Marwencol' ( that I can highly recommend watching if you enjoyed 'Lars & the Real Girl'. It's a documentary rather than a feature, but deals with many of the same themes and has an equally compelling central character. Czech it out...


HER - 2013


HA! I myself just wrote that! Her, great film, haven;t seen Lars, but plan to on Netflix, or on video..! That kind of film I love. I absolutely love Her..!
