I just purchased this...

... on the official website and can't wait for it to arrive, as I have a certain amount of enthusiasm for fan films of all kinds... check out my signature for proof of that. I'll give my critique once I've watched it.

Writer/Director of the upcoming Star Wars fan film trilogy Star Wars: Pathways


Just so you know, the acting sucks. But they are quite good if you keep in mind that they aren't real actors.


If they are actually selling this on their website then I hope they get their butts sued off by the people who actually own the rights to Hellraiser and The Prophecy. Making fan films based on other people's copyrighted material as a hobby is one thing, but trying to make money off it is wrong. I don't care how much money the maker of the fan film spent to create it. If they were concerned about getting that money back then they should have come up with an their own idea and put their effort into an original film. You simply can't make money off of a fan film that uses someone elses movie/movies as a basis, even if it's just to break even.


They're not making money and if you read any ammount of the site you'd know that. The film is free on youtube, free on bittorrent and he even offers to make copies forpeopel who send a blank DVD. However you can CHOOSE to make a DONATION for a DVD copy, to cover the costs of postage and the disc themselves. Your donating money for a nice disc, with extra features, a printed cover and so forth, not the fanfilm itself which is freely available without the donation as well, there is no profit nor any obligation.

- Scarecrow

The Hellbound Web Hellraiser Forum - www.cenobite.com/forum/


Your assertion is inaccurate.

...as indicated by Scarecrow, that's exactly why the film was/is freely distributed on BitTorrent, and on YouTube, and yes, why many people have even taken up the option of sending me a blank DVD and SASE...

While I can understand how someone who may not have read through the information might jump to the conclusion that I'm selling the film, the honest truth is that the film has several FREE distribution options: download through BitTorrent, viewing through YouTube and sending me a DVD and a self-addressed stamped envelope. (With that last option, I even throw in artwork on my dime.)

For those who don't want to take the time/trouble/capability to follow up on the free options, they have the CHOICE of sending me enough to cover having ME supply and copy a DVD for them, print artwork and send it through the mail. (That I won't put up the costs for, because everybody interested would just say "Hey, send me one!") IF the person chooses that option RATHER than taking the option of downloading the files FOR FREE, that is only one of several options, the rest of which are free.

The only film that I'm NOT distributing for free is PASTICHE OF THE DEAD, which, as you suggest, is an original film.

Please be certain that you have all of the information before making such assertions...

(To be fair, you did start your post with "If they are actually..." which does suggest you may simply not have been familiar with the entire scenario.)
