A Call to Christians

This is intended for the Christians on this site (non-believers are free to look and even comment but I do not want any long debates about who's right and who's wrong). I have been praying everyday (sometimes multiple times throughout) for certain things. Please consistently join with me in praying for the following:

-That there would be a grand revival and the truth would be made known (and actually allowed) in todays world of modernism and political corectness. Pray that God's prescence and grace would be poured into each individual heart and mind so that those who don't believe may recieve the wonderful Gift waiting for them. Pray that snares and obsticales would be placed before Satan and his minions so that his lies would be halted and the truth may finaly spread.

-That true families with stable mothers and fathers would be valued and that true lasting relationships would begin to replace all the one-night stands and quick flings or whatever you want to call it. Also pray for marriage and relationships as they were intended (between a man and a woman).

-Pray that the abortion industry would be halted in it's tracks and soon. Ask God to help all the confused young mothers and fathers realize that the unborn child is still a child and it deserves a chance to live.

It would take forever to list all the social ills plauging this world so I simply hit upon a few of the big ones. By all means continue to pray for what ever the Lord lays upon your heart as well; I'm merely trying to help God's people band together and become soldiers fighting for the purest and highest cause. I truly believe that when God's children join together in persistant and faithful prayer that miracles can and will happen.


*Groan*! Another lame-ass, wholesome, tacky, strip mall culture, white suburban Christian, aren't we?



Well said Bransrubar!!!! We need God to break our hearts with what breaks His heart!

2 Timothy 4:2-4

"2 preach the word; be urgent in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.

3 For the time will come when they will not endure the sound doctrine; but, having itching ears, will heap to themselves teachers after their own lusts;

4 and will turn away their ears from the truth, and turn aside unto fables."


Yeah! I feel like I should share some knowledge through my favorite bible passage!

Leviticus 25:44-46
44 ?However, you may purchase male and female slaves from among the nations around you. 45 You may also purchase the children of temporary residents who live among you, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, 46 passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat them as slaves, but you must never treat your fellow Israelites this way.


And your point is?

A text without a context is a pre-text. Man's law, which you are referring to with this scrupture, is not God's law. Yes the Hebrews permitted and even encouraged slavery. So did the Egyptians, the Syrians, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Phillistines, etal. It was the culture of the time to either take prisoners as slaves or kill them all in order for the culture to survive. Was it right? By our standards of course not but by theirs it was. Remember the Hebrews were taken as slaves multiple times too....by the Egyptians, by the Assyrians, and by the Babylonians. But don't confuse one ancient man-made law and try to make the case that slavery is okay with God. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Man has corrupted God's laws throughout history and the Bible points that out quite clearly. Yes our standards change over time. For example we abort over a million babies every year. Is that right? Of course not. Hundreds or perhaps thousands of years from now a more civilized people will look upon our cultural standards in horror and question our morality and stupidity in killing our own children.

But God's standards never change. "He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow." Hebrews 13:8



True happiness comes from what you give in life, not from what you get.


feel however you wanna feel about abortion, but young girls who get pregnant (ESPECIALLY if that pregnancy is thru rape) should definately have the right to give that child up for ADOPTION... you cant deny them THAT right


(ESPECIALLY if that pregnancy is thru rape)
This is a pet peeve of mine. Anti-abortion folks are against abortion because it is the taking of human life. A fetus resulting from rape is every bit as human as one not conceived in rape, so the cases should be treated equally.

For the record, I am pro-abortion.


If you want to know what ruins people's lives the most--what sets them behind the most, what sets them up for a worse education, more health problems, more depression, more unstable families--by far the greatest indicator is their economic well-being. Poor people suffer far, far far more than anyone who has to make the choice of whether or not they have an abortion, and far more than anyone who has to deal with modernism or political correctness.

Thankfully, Jesus says a lot in the Bible about helping out the poor and the less fortunate, so let's see more of that happening first. And no, people don't have to "earn" welfare or charity--in the story of the Rich Young Ruler, Jesus was all for just throwing money at the poor, whether they "deserved" it or not.

So I'm going to act more like Jesus and focus on that, and not on anything the OP mentioned in the original post.

Proud member of SHREWS (Society for the Honor Required of Eyes Wide Shut)


