They stole the car....

Did anyone catch that? So they gave him a new truck to replace it with but that doesn’t take away from the fact that they stole the car. I know it was supposed to be a heartwarming moment in the film but I kept thinking they stole your car. Your name is on the title of that car; that is still your car. They don't have the right to take it. I also thought if you had full coverage on the car you should report the car stolen and get the money for it. I guess I am too much of a cynical person for this movie.

Insanity = doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.



Now if you want me to be nitpicky…I don’t think anyone can put a title in someone else name with out their consent.

Insanity = doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.



well they did leave a message with the reason WHY his old truck isn't there anymore. Something is stolen, its usually done in secret, you dont know who the stealer is or why they done it and cos they've stolen it they'll now claim its officially theirs. All it was, was a blessing for what he's been doing.


Shutttttttt uppppppppp. Lol. Come on, you can't possibly go there with your thinking concerning this scene. It's one of those things where you shouldn't even wonder what they did with his car. But since you are in question about it this is what happened. They moved his car to his driveway where he would see it once he got home. They didn't steal anything and only for a moment while he was looking for his car in the parking lot, was he considering it could have been stolen. Once his friend read the note on the truck, he didn't give a second thought as to where his piece of junk car was at.
