Is this a movie?

Is this a movie? TV? If a movie, when will it be released?

"Quid Pro Quo, Doctor"
"If I fail, at least I will have failed my way."-Jodie Foster


It's a documentary about Hollywood and bombs and blockbusters. Quite interesting actually.


Where did you see it at? Where can I view it?

"Quid Pro Quo, Doctor"
"If I fail, at least I will have failed my way."-Jodie Foster


it runs on HBO and on HBO On Demand


Watched it last night, it was awesome!

"Quid Pro Quo, Doctor"
"If I fail, at least I will have failed my way."-Jodie Foster


Just caught a view of it on HBO-E today. It was interesting if you ask me.

Kryptonite, that stuff Superman don't like.


Yeah, I saved it to my TiVo and I must say, it was pretty awesome.

"Quid Pro Quo, Doctor"
"If I fail, at least I will have failed my way."-Jodie Foster


Quite interesting to get the perspectives of actors/directors/producers on what makes a film a hit and what makes it a bomb. The short one knows nuthin.

Richard Dreyfus summed it up best, and I'm paraphrasing here, but he basically says that a movie is an unwritten agreement between the audience and everyone involved in making the film. They know they are pretending, and we know they are pretending, but as long as niether parties 'illusion' is broken, a film generally works.

But it gets perspectives on the filmmaking process, and how the industry has yet to stumble on a 'formula' for a good film. I.E...Bonfire of the Vanities should have been a runaway hit, (Best selling book, bankable stars, good director...astronomical flop), but like, My Big Fat Greek Wedding had no 'stars', wasn't given a ton of press on release...but captured a huge audience and was nominated for Oscars....

Really worth the viewing time.
