where would it not get banned?

Can anybody think of a country except for Ireland where this wouldnt get banned?


I doubt it would get banned in the UK, where just about anything seems to go, on Channels 4 and 5.


yeah, but you dont have to pay extra to get RTE.


I wouldn't say it'd be banned in any part of Europe. I also don't think it'd be banned in America or Canada. But I'd say America would give it a TV-MA cert like the RTÉ do over here.


It would get banned in about 5 mins in america


No it wouldn't. Are you even aware of how things work in the rest of the world, and how conservative Ireland is in comparison to so many? Do you realise there's no film censorship in the US? The MPAA is a private organisation, the government doesn't censor things, so no, it wouldn't be banned.

But on the otherhand, there ARE places it probably would be banned. Not anywhere in Europe or North America though. Places in the middle East, yes, without doubt.


Sesame street and Spongebob almost got banned in america! The only wat it wouldnt get banned is if they censered it and that just wouldnt happend! I have actually talked to people from America who watched it and they adnitted that it would get banned very quicly! You obviosley have no idea what your talking about!


No, its obviously you who have no idea what you're talking about. There's no need to get so rude anyway.

If you're so sure it would be banned, and such an expert, tell me this, WHO would ban it? And I mean a Federal government body. No US government departements have the right to ban things (the biggest limits they can put on free speech is when and where, not what)

And Spongebob almost getting banned? Your definition of almost must be very wide (controversy doens't equate to "almost banned"). And its funny, cause I seem to remember South Park.... oh where did that come from? Oh, that's funny, the US! Nearly all seasons of SP got an 18's here, but S1 of Podge and Rodge got only a 15's.


They censor South park so much in the US!


No they don't. They just censor eff you see kay (can't write it on IMDb) and words around the same extremity. MTV UK & Ireland and Paramount Comedy do the same.

They don't say.... that word, on podge and rodge anyway.


If you mean f uck your wrong cos they do say that on the Podge and Rodge show!



This thread seems a bit mixed up. Daraghp is both right and wrong, watchmefly.

RTÈ would be the equivalent of free network television such as the BBC in the UK, or NBC/CBS/ABC in the US. There is extreme censorship on those networks in the US. Anything beyond bitch/bastard/crap is bleeped pretty much round the clock. Check out Late Night with Conan O'Brien for example. Despite the fact that it airs at 12 midnight, it gets bleeped and blurred as if it were 5pm in the day. In contrast, The Frank Skinner Show was broadcast on BBC and ITV at 10pm (iirc) and at least once it had full frontal male nudity.

If you want to see things uncensored in the US, you must pay extra to receive the cable channels and you still have to wait until the watershed to see anything with "adult" content. South Park for instance, is shown on Comedy Central but it's a cable network.

Nowadays, RTÈ is about as liberal as they get. I remember a Saturday afternoon film on RTÈ late last year, shown at around 3pm (can't remember the name. It centered around a high school loser and his friend and the prom and all that bull. Not great.) which had lots of the milder swear words like *beep* *beep* dildo (used insultingly) and others that would never make it onto NBC/ABC/CBS in a million years.


"Why should they be banned? For swearing and telling a few home truths? This would not be banned anywhere else in Europe with the exception of the UK. They don't censor anything in Spain, 18 films are shown in the middle of the day. Their way is, it's the parents who should censor what their children watch and not the government and rightly so! Podge and Rodge only tell the truth and swear, there is a lot worse out there. Half the 15 year olds in this country have kids for Gods sake! And 2 puppets should be banned????"

Your rite about Spain the amount of Porn and stuff over there is ridiculous!
By the way i never said that they should be banned, i just said they probably would in the US!


Dunno why though

