Aww I wanted Emily to win

She was brilliant. She will definetly flourish from here on. All three will.

"Why so serious?" - The Joker


She was brilliant,.......but she was also a little lost in the Pro kitchens sometimes i thought. But whatever, she will be a success at whatever she does in the future.

Yeah, she's a real Road King alright!.'


She was definitly the best she never really messed up.
James ruined alot of moneys worth of scallops and Emily dropped a slash of something on the floor yet James wins.
Her creative ability was amazing, never seen anyone like her, the only problem with people like that is they're kinda hit and miss, but she wasn't she was perfect.
I don't see what else they could be looking for in a chef other than Emily.

Brucas :)


I agree

"Why so serious?" - The Joker
