Awesome movie!!!!!!!!

This movie was great!
I saw it on TBN a few days ago.
I was very surprised since some of the Christian movies that come out have bad writing on the scripts and bad acting.The writing,acting and story were very well done!
John Shneider was really funny in it too!


No fair :( I only got to see that last like twenty minutes of it. And what I saw was amazing and dying to see the whole thing. John was excellent in it and surprised to see him in it actually.


I missed the first 12 minutes!


and you still wasted 80


I didn't waste 80.
Even though I missed the first 12 minutes I still thought the movie was really good.
It wasn't a waste of time.


yes it was a good movie...


I too thought this was an extremely well written and casted movie. I thought they handled the issues they dealt with very well.

Permission to hug?! - Abby
You never have to ask. - Gibbs


I thought it was really bad.
