MovieChat Forums > w Delta z (2008) Discussion > Pierre Jackson - Most Evil Character Eve...

Pierre Jackson - Most Evil Character Ever?

I don't watch too many horror films, so I could very well be naive of some of the genre's most despicable villains out there, but I can't recall ever seeing a film with a more evil character than Pierre Jackson. I mean this guy was the scum of the earth.

Can anyone think of a more horrible human being?

Hey, careful man! There's a beverage here!





I loved how it took so little for him to fry his grandma, lol evil bastard

How do you like your brandy, sir?
In a glass.


Right now I can name you 25 more evil characters:

· Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the lambs, Anthony Hopkins).
· Patrick Bateman (American psycho, Christian Bale).
· Lord Voldemort (Harry Potter film series, Ralph Fiennes).
· Amon Göth (Schindler's list, Ralph Fiennes).
· The Joker (The dark knight, Heath Ledger).
· Anton Chigurh (No country for old men, Javier Bardem).
· Hans Landa (Inglourious basterds, Christoph Waltz).
· John Milton (The Devil's advocate, Al Pacino).
· Annie Wilkes (Misery, Kathy Bates).
· Stansfield (Leon, Gary Oldman).
· Keyser Söze (The usual suspects, Kevin Spacey).
· John Doe (Se7en, Kevin Spacey).
· Agent Smith (The Matrix, Hugo Weaving).
· Jack Torrance (The shining, Jack Nicholson).
· Bill 'The Butcher' Cutting (Gangs of New York, Daniel Day-Lewis).
· Alex DeLarge (Clockwork orange, Malcolm McDowell).
· Norman Bates (Psycho, Anthony Perkins).
· Frank Booth (Blue velvet, Dennis Hopper).
· Vic Vega, 'Mr. Blond' (Reservoir dogs, Michael Madsen).
· Billy Loomis (Scream, Skeet Ulrich).
· Harry Powell (Night of the hunter, Robert Mitchum).
· Lestat de Lioncourt (Interview with the vampire, Tom Cruise).
· Satan (Constantine, Peter Stormare).
· Freddy Krueger (Nightmare in Elm Street, Robert Englund).
· Vlad Dracula (Bram Stoker's Dracula, Gary Oldman).


I suspect you're thinking too much about their body counts and mythology. :-P Does Pete Storemare's Satan even kill anyone on screen? He SAVES Keanu. Jack Torrance is driven mad by supernatural forces, axes a stranger and tries to kill his family... even as a supporting character, Tom Hardy's Pierre does way more damage than that. This movie brings a lot of attention to how there are some fates worse than death, so admittedly I would probably rather meet some people on your list over Pierre from The Killing Gene. Even the guy from Scream only tortures you psychologically before your death... Pierre & co. physically torture and rape you before making you kill your loved one. No freakin' thanks. It's like a more drawn-out version of the lust kill from Seven.


Billy Blanco from 187 was one creepy dude too. But Pierre deserved more then he got. Evil little bastard


How about the little boy from the movie, "Identity"?
John Heard's character from "Decieved"
The entire Brady Bunch
Margaret from "Hush"
Half or more of all the characters from the "Hostel" movies
Party Duke's character in "The Bad Seed"

Dang...I should watch a comedy or something sometime!
