Laughing at the end

It was such an intentional contrast to the crying theme and tone of the whole film, laugh was the real victory. This film is like a painting, no logic, but a sensation of images. It was such a perfect ending. What made this film so great was how different it was from the first two films of the trilogy, yet the lighting was almost the same in terms of shadows and set up in interior shots or the streets. It attempted to reflect the apocalyptic times of 2007, the same like Suspiria reflected the repressions and pain of 1977 (which also is ackjnowledged in astrology) and Inferno reflecting darkness in 1980, the year known in astrology as one of the great darkness on Earth. Mother Of Tears signals a time of self reflections. These films show all of that. Dario Argento really tapped into collective consciousness, and into some deep occult knowledge.
