Missing the point

Craig didn't have any major problems. This was stressed several times in the movie in his conversations with Bobby, ignoring for a second that a major plot point in the movie was that Craig was in the institution by mistake (which even the title references, so, f-ck.) Yes, Craig is rich and privileged, and he has no reason to be depressed; the movie makes it evident that it realizes this. The reason it works is because we've all felt at one point the fear and anxiousness Craig feels, of growing up, not knowing how to be an adult. It's not a movie about a depressed teenager. It doesn't even show any depressed people. It's a movie about a teenager who is not sure how to transition into adulthood. Even his friends, Nia and Aaron, reference how they sometimes feel the same because, of course, everyone is confused at that age, and not sure how they're going to cope with the world as grown-ups. Craig still has a relatively small window of experience to compare the gravity of his problems with, and his trivial issues, mostly having to do with anticipation of the future, seem much more hectic and massive to him than they are. How so many of the posters on this board insist on myopically focusing back to Craig not having "real issues" (when this was what the statement of the movie was based around in the first place) is baffling to me.


Like all illnesses, depression comes in different stages.

From being slightly depressed - need a little help and guidence to get back on the road - to manic depression - contemplated or have attempted to commit suicide on many occassions.

The way I see it, if things get so bad to the point where you are popping pills and dreaming of taking your own life almost daily then yeah, you are somewhat depressed.

Ashmi any question


depression - real, clinical depression - is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. it has nothing to do with how much money you have. just because craig had no "reason" to be depressed doesn't mean he wasn't. he could've been managing this depression for a long time but was finally driven past his breaking point by the stresses from school, which is extremely likely. maybe he didn't suffer from "major depression" to the same degree other patients did, but that doesn't mean he wasn't suffering from a mental illness. he was seriously contemplating suicide. that is a sign of legit depression.



I 100% agree with you OP!


I agreee! He had issues not necessarily requiring hospitalisation, apart from his suicidal thoughts. Actually he was showing signs of suicidal impulses, and managed to get himself admitted. People get released and subsequently commit suicide all the time, so it is all plausible.
