Mother of the year

"I honestly think it'd be better for her, for all of us, if you were just dead. But you can't even get that right."

Yeah, saying that to Bobby when your daughter is between you isn't going to affect her at all.


she was a bitch! feel bad for the daughter.


But there are people like that out there, and they have no sympathy and no conscience about how they affect people either. I have a friend whose mom told his stepfather that he "didn't have the balls to kill himself", so the guy took off his belt and hung himself right in front of my friend and his sister. The two were just twelve and thirteen at the time. Messed the two of them up real bad, and the mother has never shown an ounce of remorse for what her thoughtlessness did to him or her kids. S



That's really horrible.

She should really feel bad for letting her kids go through a situation like that.

And about what happened to the stepfather, it's a complex affair. She did have influence on what happened, but he did it to himself, and he chose how he did it.

All and all, I think she shirts the responsability, partly out of ignorance, and partly because she instintively knows that understanding and accepting her responsability would be very hard for her.

If we don't agree, show me your truth. If you resort to personal shots, I won't take you seriously
