MovieChat Forums > Desire (2006) Discussion > Way too many flashbacks?

Way too many flashbacks?

If you agree there are too many flashbacks, WRITE TO THE NETWORK! Go to and click "Contact Us" and tell them how unhappy you are with the flashbacks. That's what I did. Maybe if they hear from enough people, the head honchos will "get it" and knock off these constant flashbacks before the next two new shows air in December. It's insulting the amount of flashbacks they have, it's like they think we are too stupid to follow a story line. The Saturday recaps are more than enough.


I actually got into "Desire" because it didn't have the flashback assult like "Fashion House." In the past week or two, it seems as though each show is trying to one-up the other for how many flashbacks they can jam into an episode (or center an entire episode around, in the case of "Andrea's Story" and "Louis' Story"). Obviously the shows were filmed a while ago, so they were probably edited a while ago too. Let's hope they smarten up and drop all the filler when the next batch of shows hits the air.


I thought it was just me. I hate the flashbacks. they are driving me crazy. louis and andrea, andrea and alex. There are even some with christof. I love this show and their characters. I would just like to see newer dialogue not just " alex remeber this " maybe we should play the drinking game everytime they show a flashback.



Couldn't agree with you more, skyanimal. As for the sports, it was nice for the first few weeks because they ran a rerun (in some areas on the same night, in others, the next day). It seems like a great deal of stations around the country also run sports, which bump the My Network shows around, so they need to bring back the reruns!



Do you people all realize these are only the first two shows?? They will be ending and then two NEW shows will be on, Art of Betrayal and Watch Over Me. They are filming those RIGHT NOW, so no editing has been done yet, at least I wouldn't think so. I was just saying that if you agree the excessive flashbacks are ruining the show, TELL THEM, so maybe they won't do this quite so much for the next ones!! Don't just leave it alone because you think "oh well this is already done".....that might be true but they can still change things for the future.


The scripts were too short. 45 pages. This issue was addressed for subsequent shows (they bumped them up to 50), but Desire may be stuck with its overuse of flashbacks, unfortunately.

Maybe the network should sell more ad space instead.


Thanks for that factoid, eddy, which makes total sense. The theory is that one script page equals one minute of screen time (and there's 45 minutes of show minus commercials), but that theory often doesn't pan out. I wonder if the scripts for "Fashion House" were 20 pages, with as damn many flashbacks as that show has....
