what do you think

What do you think of the acting of each character?

Gamarra- Excellent
Louis- Pretty damn entertaining
Alex- not very good
Andrea- ok
The mother- has some talent-
Cully- decent
Marco- nice work
Cara- terrible
George- i like his character but not his accent even though it is real
Suzy- nice to look at
Cristoff- terrible


Peter - A
Louis - A
The Mother - A
Alex - F, comical to watch, especially when "trying" to be serious
Andrea - F, same as above
Jessica - C, Fatal Attraction, anyone?
Cully - B, easy on my eyes
Marco - B
Cara - B, "I run this family"...
George - C
Victoria (George's sister) - C - Stick with CSI Miami
Suzy - D
Erica - B How many satin blouses does this ho own?
Cristoff - F
Gamarra - A - (RIP unless in flashbacks)

They all can only do so much with the material...Love the show regardless, pure campiness!



Peter - A
Louis - A(Such a grest actor!)
Rita - A
Alex - A
Andrea - B
Cully - A(love his character!)
Marco - A(great actor!)
Cara - A
George - F
Victoria- B
Detective Rachel Lin- A(my favorite character!)
Vincent-C(so sad that he died)

Love this show!



Think I'd give all of them the same as Sandi did above -- except for George and Rita. In terms of acting, George isn't fantastic, but he's doing a great job of hamming it up as a campy villain. I'd give him at least a "B" for that! I'd have to bump down Rita a grade for all of her recent melodrama ("My son's not dead!"). Yeah, I know part of it was the writing, but she went pretty over the top more than once.


Peter - B Sometimes too sappy
Louis - C Can get kind of annoying
The Mother - B Also too sappy
Alex - Double F...So bad he's funny
Andrea - F, same as above
Jessica - C She's alright
Cully - A plus Not only easy on my eyes, but the guy can act
Marco - A Hope they keep him around
Cara - C sometimes good sometimes bad
George - C
Victoria (George's sister) - C -
Suzy - B - Plays her part perfectly
Vincent- B - Loved him and will miss him..
Cristoff - F
Gamarra A - Too bad they killed him off..
