missing the point?

it feels like a lot of people are missing the point of this show. its not to prove he's the best or whatever, its really about publicity and "having fun." this show isn't about flay being competetive, that's actually iron chef america.

this show is about him "competing" with people who've made their careers out of cooking whatever it is they cook. to think that flay is coming in with an almost generic product and try to win is retarded.

i think that this show is flay's producers and publicists getting together and saying "this show can put the flay, who's a bit unpopular on iron chef, in a playful light, make him seem less stuff etc"

i think its a good show. it focuses on the food, shows flay struggling, which happens when you play with new recipes etc.

of course he loses, he's supposed to


I have always thought this show was not about Flay, but about the compeititors. The show spends quite a bit of time on the competitor's background, speciality, their approach to the challenge posed by Flay, and even their assessments of Flay's dishes. I always look at it as just an innovative way to introduce local specialities, much like Rachel Ray's $40/day.


Well...Yeah! As I've said in previous posts, the bottom line is Flay never really "wins", regardless of the outcome. On the other hand, the "challengers", as long as they don't whine/cry and look like in-grates, really never "lose"...

BUT...As Flay's "competitors" are initially the subjects of "Food Network Profiles", which hardly makes them run-of-the-mill...Ray's show is far off base. Thinking she's a pioneer, she fell between the cracks. Family or not, if I'M on "vacation" for a DAY...and I'm watching Food Network for advice, I want to eat at restaurants that are notable in the area. The vast majority of her meals are of the bargain or greasy spoon ma and pa types...And even though I might spend one meal in a given city in one of these hidden gems, I don't need Ray to tell me about them. If I'm in any given city with food as a priority, I'm either NOT spending a day there or I probably have SOME acquaintance nearby that is just as qualified to recommend the place better than the Waffle House or Red Lobster.

The point is....the useful info such as "off the beaten path" and "ask the locals" was covered in 1 show. If I'm in your city on vacation, and food is a priority, then I'm not taking advice (whether it be food or *beep* tipping) from her giggle filled commentaries. If I'm there for the food, then I'm not eating at "Louie's"...and if I don't have enough money for the good stuff, then I'm NOT travelling for the food, and I'll pack a good stash of non-perishables. Maybe that's a little harsh.......but, DUH? It's like advertising for tampons on the NFL Network - small audience, very difficult to influence.



keep it real! that's the point!

I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?"

