Maybe I'm missing the point

I just saw the show for the 1st time last night. It was about macaroni. Like I said, maybe I'm missing the point, but it seemed like he blindsided the macaroni queen by challenging her by surprise. Seems like a heck of a way to embarrass someone whose success depends on their reputation. Also, I thought it was a little unfair to compare apples & oranges with the completely different style of macaroni. Seemed a little like comparing an awwsome beef burger to an awesome filet mignon.


I agree but Delilah was the best macaroni maker in the country and Bobby is a good cook but he's not the best. I agree with the different styles of macaroni though since Bobby used herbs and meat in his macaroni and Delilah just used cheese.


the lobster club sandwich lady was ready.

I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?"


The people he competes with have to sign a waiver that it's OK to show on tv. If they were really upset then there couldn't be anything to show.
