Lasagna Throwdown - Vermont

I know Bobby Flay is a great cook, but I watched the lasagna episode of "Throwdown" and now I KNOW the show is fixed. Granted, I've never had Bobby's strange take on lasagna, but I HAVE had Boves' lasagna and there is absolutely NO WAY Bobby's was better. Bobby didn't even make real lasagna! He made some strange concoction with ingredients that have no place in a quality lasagna. Chili peppers??? In lasagna??? Don't make me laugh.

The show is fixed, no doubt, if he can win that battle.


I know Bobby Flay is a great cook, but I watched the lasagna episode of "Throwdown" and now I KNOW the show is fixed. Granted, I've never had Bobby's strange take on lasagna, but I HAVE had Boves' lasagna and there is absolutely NO WAY Bobby's was better. Bobby didn't even make real lasagna! He made some strange concoction with ingredients that have no place in a quality lasagna. Chili peppers??? In lasagna??? Don't make me laugh.

The show is fixed, no doubt, if he can win that battle.

Don't make me laugh either if you can say that the challenger's lasagna was better than Bobby's even though you've never had Bobby's lasagna.

So the show is fixed just because your favorite lasagna lost?

How could you make such assumptions when you are not even there and didn't have Bobby's to compare to Bove's lasagna?


Umm.... because there aren't supposed to be chili peppers in LASAGNA! Duh!


I disagree. I don't think it's fixed.

The problem is that you're too much of a traditionalist and the criteria is too subjective.

"Shop smart. Shop S-mart!"~ Ash


Anyone who has never tried both lasagnas is biased. You can put anything you like into lasagna or any other foods. If every recipe that was ever created stayed exactly the same forever we would get sick of them pretty fast!



You can make Lasagna out of any damn thing you want. A very popular variation is commonly called "Mexican Lasagna".

A Google search for Mexican Lasagna yields 247,000 hits. So lots of people are making Lasagna with chili peppers, but they might have been afraid of telling people in Vermont because they know how upset y'all get whenever somebody deviates from your rich culinary heritage.


The callenge wasn't who could make the best "Mexican Lasagna" (whatever the heck that is) but who could make the best lasagna. Lasagna is an italian dish, and as everyone knows, the Italians don't put chili peppers in ANYTHING they make, much less lasagna. It's like comparing apples and oranges.


the words Chili and peppers are the same thing. Although the word Chili is used more in the Spanish languages. Peppers is the English translation. If you say that peppers in general are not used in Italian foods you are wrong. Just think about the dried chili peppers you see in Pizza restaurants. There are all kinds of peppers used in Italian foods. My favorite sandwich is Italian sausage and peppers.


Hot red chile peppers are a staple of Italian cooking. Where have you been?
Where I live, pizzas come with packets of dried red chilies, to season to taste.

Maybe you should learn a bit more about Italian cooking before presenting yourself as an expert.



chili peppers are 'in' in 2010.

Yo, bartender, Jobu needs a refill.
