UFO in a scene

Offcourse its not a UFO but it was pretty wierd, when i watched a scene where the bad guy is talking in a phone, next to a window looking at LA Harbour. Suddently a white thing flew over the sky. I paused the film, and i dont think it was something from the set...It was out there in the sky...


It was dignity, flying out the window...




Thanks for the laugh, weresmurf -- very clever reply!!

It's showing on TV right now here in Sydney. The wanker TV station has put it on as a "Special Event Presentation" (a.k.a. cash-in) because of the swine flu scare.
Dear goodness, it's dreadful.

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


Maybe a reflection of camera or crew on window?


It was probably a meteor.

There is a scene in the movie 'Jaws' which features the exact same phenomenon.
