MovieChat Forums > Heroes Discussion > To Be ass....

To Be ass....

I know its like a month later. But was watching the Medium finaly and saw a commerical for this show, and at the end it said "to be continued". I wantched dam NBC for another 3 hours, and BAH! NOTHING! grrrrrr.
Anyways despite only seeing a little clip, i know this show is gonna be great! I cant believe how no one is on this board yet though. Woulda thought all the "your ripping off x-men!" poeple woulda been here by now lol. Well i am not one of them, thats like saying any space movie rips off Jules Vern (yeah yeah, i spelled it wrong.)




Besides Mutant X ... I only hope Mutant X didn't spread to the UK.

Can you dig it?


"The 4400" is on Sky One in the UK.



I'm not gonna show up and complain how this is a rip-off of X-Men, but I will say it's not the closest thing to an X-Men series we will have. For starters, what about the X-Men animated series? I think's that the closest we'll get to X-Men.

Also, what about "The 4400?" This show is exactly the same. Though I will probably still watch it, there is practically no difference in the basic storyline. "The 4400" deserves being credited with this original concept.


Now, I've never watched the 4400, but I was under the impression that it had to do with people who were abducted by aliens and returned "changed." Heroes is about people who have special abilities.... I just don't see the similarity.

I can't go out. I'm expecting calls from telemarketers.


Actually, the alien thing has been dismissed. It seems the 4400 were abducted by people (humans) from the future. They're supposed to be using their powers to alter events and change the future. It's a little more interesting than some kind of "genetic experiment" plot.


Hmmm. Now I wished I had tuned in to the first season... Seems a little late to jump on board now...

I can't go out. I'm expecting calls from telemarketers.


It wasnt dismissed. It was a damn plot twist. Jeez you people. Theres still quite a bit of mystery left to 4400 and its still pretty sci fi. They're not unkillable either, we saw what happened to the guy who became a vigiliante with his abilities.


It was dismissed. It was dismissed when Tom learned that the 4400 were taken by people from the future. It was also a plot twist (in the real wourld of us viewers). When I write "dismissed," I mean the characters in the "The 4400" universe, who thought the 4400 were abducted by aliens, discovered that belief was incorrect (in the fake "The 4400" television universe where things like that actually happen).




Croyd Crenson Rocks!!!

Captain Trips too!!


Ace of Spades killer...


Wow, soooo many characters.


(You know the Turtle would kick Jean Grey's ass-sans the Phoenix Force-easily...)

This is a freaking GREAT series...I would love to see Cards done as a movie series or show on a cable station!!!!!

"You're far too sensitive sometimes", Hunter
"Fu Q", Chase


I think this needs a petition. I know that Wild Cards has been optioned for TV, Movie, and PC game in the past, I don't know what happened to the licenses. Of course I don't know what happened to the novels after a brief reappearance a few years back. And the comic license seems to have lapsed also.


The comic was intended as the limited series it was-it was four issues long and it took place between books 5 (Down and Dirty) and 6 (Ace in the Hole), if memory serves.

As for the books, there was a stand alone novel released in February (Death Draws Five) and there is a new trilogy starting next year with a new book being released yearly.

There was a GURPS roleplaying game a few years ago, but it is out of print right now.

I would love to see a video game-hell they could even make it like City of Heroes/City of Villians...

"You're far too sensitive sometimes", Hunter
"Fu Q", Chase
