What is this show about??

It doesn't say here on IMDB

Tritter:"Women don't give up guys that...they are in love with"
Cameron:"...I'm not in love with House"


Ted Dansen plays a phychologist, that is going through a divorce. He works trying to help people in his Group Therapy group and try to help them get through their problems, while trying to fix his own. Think "Dear John."

I think it's a really funny show.


Ok, thanks.

I don't know what Dear John is

Danny:"I've been married twice before and I'm a recovering cocaine addict and I know that's no woman's dream of a man, or of a father. Nonetheless I believe I'm falling in love with you. If you want to run, I understand, but you'd better get a good head start 'cos I'm coming for you, Jordan."


Is there a "will they, won't they?" tension thing between 2 characters in it????

House:"You really wanna leave?"
Cameron:"If you're not here, there's not much point in staying"
