MovieChat Forums > Notes from the Underbelly (2007) Discussion > I think it would be cute if.....

I think it would be cute if.....

Cooper and Danny starting hooking up and she got pregnant. Then the pregnancy theme of the show could continue without the other couples having to get knocked up again right away. Plus, how funny would it be if the two most anti- kid people on the show had to cope with a kid in their lives.


Now THERE is a premise worth exploring. Take the funniest, caustic, "would sooner be dead than have a kid" character on the show, and get her pregnant by
an unbelievably miss-matched, well meaning but total loser in life man-child bozo! Kind of like "Knocked Up," with good writing, that could actually work.
Then you could phase out and lose the rest of the original cast and maybe bring in some new talent that was actually FUNNY! It would take exceptional writing talent, though, to keep Cooper both humorously vicious and shallow, while giving her a human soul with feelings, insecurities, and foibles. Rachael Harris steals every scene she is in.

Great Idea!

Know the Death of Religion, Know the Death of Hate and Fear
