Rachel Harris. . .

. . .is a fantastic lady! I worked on the show and I have to say that she was hands down the nicest, funniest, most considerate person on set. I know many of you on IMDB are really hard on her, but in my opinion, she is hardly the weakest link. Honestly, I'm convinced that if a certain female member of cast would take a cue from Rachel and loosen up a bit - it would be a MUCH funnier show. Rachel -if you actually read these things - you've made a big fan out of me and best of luck on your next film!!!!


I couldn't agree more. Rachel steals every scene that she is in. There is a really good untapped talent here, too bad it's being wasted on NFTU. Consider this however; even if the general review (of NFTU) is negative, she is standing out. If you check through the boards, you'll find that her character seems to be the one getting almost all of the attention, and mention, and there is no such thing as BAD publicity. The viewing public is starting to notice.

As for the other certain "female member of cast" you mentioned, loosening up really can't help when you are JUST NOT FUNNY! You just can't improve on, well, let's be honest, nothing! Whether you take two times zero, or ten thousand times zero, the sum is still zero. She is probably up there in the top ten for "worst casting mistakes of 2007."

"Dying is easy... Comedy is Hard" (death bed quote attributed to Sir Donald Wolfit)

Know the Death of Religion, Know the Death of Hate and Fear

